The Foreigner (2017 Movie) –
The Foreigner (2017 Movie) is a suspenseful film where a previous explosive device creator named Ngoc Minh Quan (played by Jackie Chan) who currently operates a Chinese eatery. After Ngoc Minh Quan’s daughter is slayed in an explosive event, Ngoc Minh Quan embarks on an assignment to get retaliation on the Irish extremists who slayed his daughter. The other actors in The Foreigner (2017 Movie) are Charlie Murphy who played Maggie; Pierce Brosnan who played Liam Hennessey; Orla Brady who played Mary; Liu Tao who played Keyi Lan; Katie Leung who played Fan; Pippa Bennett-Warner who played Marissa Levitt; Simon Kunz who played Matthew Rice; Manolo Cardona who played Pedro Lopez; Rufus Jones who played Woody; Roberta Taylor who played Mrs. Taylor; Dermot Crowley who played McGrath. The Foreigner (2017 Movie) is directed by Martin Campbell and scripted by David Marconi, the story is founded on the book named ‘The Chinaman’ written by Stephen Leather which was published in 1992. The Foreigner (2017 Movie) is planned for release around October 2017.
Does anyone know the Name of the song?
Never push a good man too far.
whts the song name used
Law abiding citizen..
This gonna be dope
Jackie Chan fucking rocks. May he live forever.
Jackie is such a legend I can’t belive he still does this at his age
Jackie Bourne : Taken again.
1.Jackie Chan, 2.Stalone, 3.Bruce Willis I still remember growing up watching their movies..
This looks fucking quality!