Chocolate –
Chocolate is a highly delicious confectionary, chocolate is regularly brown in color and made from cacao seeds. The cacao seeds are baked and crushed and frequently seasoned with various flavors. Chocolate can be in the shape of a cream, fluid, or in a solid chunk, or used as a seasoning component in preparing many other foods. Chocolate cacao seeds have been grown, processed and used by many human societies since ancient times. The cacao seeds are unpleasantly bitter and needs to be fermented to improve the taste, after fermentation, the cacao beans are dehydrated, cleaned, and baked. The cacao beans shell is detached to create cacao nibs, which are then crushed to cocoa powder that is pure chocolate in rough shape. The cocoa powder is heated into liquid form called chocolate liquor. This chocolate liquor is cooled into cocoa butter and cocoa solids. Cocoa butter and cocoa solids with sugar and milk and other flavors is used to create various highly delicious confectionaries Chocolate.
hmm… i guess you could use a ball mill to crush that chocolate (something used for crushing metals into the finest powders)
Could you use a coffee grinder?
I live in the uk does anyone have any ideas where I could get cocoa butter and the beans from???