Halsey – Bad At Love – ipasm.com

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10 Responses

  1. emin melouch says:

    this album feels more like halsey coming out for her sexuality to the society

  2. Banana Lala says:

    Not her strongest song but its ok

  3. Marie Garcia says:

    Same girl

  4. Maria Paula Moreno says:

    Please, girls name

  5. Sabah Tube ❶ says:

    *All English singers are singing ? same lyrical and ? music*

  6. ROBY says:

    Great, fresh song!

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  7. Thomas Henrique says:

    Iggy Azalea – Work (Paródia Fan Made)

  8. Karar Karar says:

    I thought she going down at past she was better and Specifically in badland album it has a deep taste either now this album was so foolish and had no Artistic Delight

  9. Molly Rey says:

    It’s the same place where the Red Velvet, Ice Cream Cake was recorder lol

  10. Victoria Jimenez says:

    AH UES

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